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Success Stories

Clear Expectations: A Parent's Autism Success Story

Building a solid foundation

As a parent of a child with autism, I understand the unique challenges that come with helping our kids navigate the world. One of the most impactful strategies we've adopted is setting clear expectations for behaviour.

We created visual schedules for each part of the day. These schedules included pictures and simple words to illustrate tasks like getting dressed, brushing teeth, and mealtime behaviour. Having a visual guide helped my child understand what to expect next, reducing anxiety and making transitions smoother. Apart from the visual schedule of the tasks, we broke down the tasks into simple, manageable steps. This helped my child know exactly what was expected and how to accomplish it. Lastly, after successfully completing a task according to our set expectations, my child would earn a small reward or extra playtime. This motivated them to follow the rules and understand the benefits of meeting expectations.

For any parent, and especially for those of us with children on the Autism spectrum, setting clear expectations can make a world of difference. I hope our experience inspires you to try this approach and see the positive changes it can bring to your family's life.

Note: The identities of the individuals mentioned in the success story have been altered to maintain confidentiality.